How to get URL parameter values in backing bean?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("param name"));
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("param name"));
When row currency validation fails JBO-35007 error is reaised.
Row currency validation safe gaurds ADF application from browser back button issue.
What is browser back button issue?
Form Duncan Mills ""Oracle JDeveloper 10g for Forms and PL/SQL Developers" book :
Users may be accustomed to clicking the browser's Back button to return to the preceding page or the Refresh button to reload the page. This can cause problems with web applications that use a Controller layer, like the JSF controller or Struts, because the browser Back button returns to the preceding page in the browser's page history without calling code in the Controller layer. The controller will therefore, not know the state of the application's data and the preceding page will either not load properly or may place the application into an inconsistent or unstable state. The same problem occurs with the browser's Refresh button, which just reloads the same page, again without calling Controller layer code. This is a problem in all web applications, not only those using J2EE technology or ADF libraries.
How to ignore row currnecy validation?
There are two ways to avoid this validation.(Note: As Row currency validation safe gaurds ADF application from browser back button issue, it is not suggested to ignore row currency validation)
Method I
Set the EnableTokenValidation to false in the page definition file.
1)In the Application Navigator, right-click the JSP page for which you want to disable validation, and choose Go to Pa ge Definition.
2)In the Structure window, right-click the pagenamePageDef node and choose Properties from the context menu.
3)In the PageDef Properties dialog, select the Advanced Properties tab.
4)In the Enable Token Validation box and choose False. The EnableTokenValidation attribute is added to the PageDef.xml file namespace with a value of false.
Method II
Disable row currency validation on an iterator by setting the "StateValidation" property of an iterator to "false" without disabling it for all iterators in the page definition.
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