BPEL Process - Operation "Initiate" Does Not Appear In BPEL Console
Friday, January 29, 2010
When you upgrade or update MLR patchsets to SOA suite you might encounter this problem, where some of the already deployed BPEL processes may not show the "Initiate" operation in the Operation drop-down of the BPEL Console.
The cause for this issue could be due to the runtime WSDL files in the WSDL cache were corrupted during the upgrade.
Clear the WSDL cache.
Follow the steps below:
1. Stop the SOA server.
2. Navigate to
3. Delete all the .<Directories>. (There will be a dot in front of all these directories)
4. Start SOA Server.
You can also achieve the above from the BPEL console. Navigate to Administration tab --> Actions --> Press the "Clear WSDL Cache" button.