Changing Password For Bpel Console User Oc4jadmin
Friday, January 29, 2010
You attempted to change the password for BPEL Console user oc4jadmin by clicking the Setup link in the top right corner of the Application Server Control screen but you cannot connect to the BPEL Console with the new password.
How do you change the password for BPEL Console user oc4jadmin?
The Setup link is used to change the password for the oc4jadmin user for Application Server Control.
You change the BPEL Console oc4jadmin user password as follows:
1. Connect to Application Server Control.
2. Click OC4J instance name where bpel is running. For example, oc4j_soa for an advanced
3.Click Administration link.
4. Click Go to Task icon for Security Providers task.
5. Click Instance Level Security.
6. Click Realms link.
7. Click number link under Users.
8. Now search for oc4jadmin in list and click it to change the password for BPEL Console.
The user bpeladmin can be changed here as well.